As winter comes to a close, we huddle in our bedrooms, outwitting the cold weather and dreaming of spring. A haven of a bedroom is all you really need to survive 12 degree temps and below. Here are a few inspirational pieces to create the modern respite of your dreams….
If you’ve picked up a fashion magazine or been to the mall lately, you’ve seen that navy has taken over the retail sector, both in fashion and in home furnishings. I love navy and I’m excited to see it’s resurgence this spring/summer. However, one “navy” doesn’t necessarily fit all. Here are my ideas for incorporating a dark blue hue into your home so that it really “speaks” to you!
Some of you may know how much I adore pink…I can’t even count the amount of pink things that I surround myself with from clothes to ipods to perfume (Victoria’s Secret Pink) to sharpie pens to my newly adored Kate Spade bag. Why do I love pink so much? Am I the only one?
So, on this V-day, I thought I would explore the power of pink.
In my life, this color has always spurred me to action, allowed me to face challenges with optimism. Purchasing my first Kate Spade bag in my favorite shade was a symbol of good things to come in 2011. I already feel it’s effects as I juggle new clients and new love.
Other pink things I adore:
i am obsessed with peonies!
Barbie - the original "pink lady"click this photo for more beautiful pink rooms!
Benjamin Moore's Peony 2079-30jonathan adler is after my heart!
this website has lots of things I can't live without!